Speech & Language Sessions
Discovering your childs needs
Therapy Sessions
Every child is different and the need for services will constantly evolve. The needs of the child will be evaluated and discussed with you. You will be offered options if intervention is deemed appropriate. Some children are seen for weekly/fortnightly sessions, some every month or every few months. A therapy plan and goals are determined initially and the child’s/family’s needs are reviewed regularly to determine the next course of action e.g. a break from therapy, onward referral, discharge. The therapist will also discuss what is the most cost effective for the family or what way services can be delivered to meet a family’s budget.
The therapy process is reliant on parent/guardian participation and input. The therapist welcomes any thoughts or feedback from parents/guardians as it is important that everyone involved is committed to achieving the best possible outcome.
“Every child is a different kind of flower.
All together they make this a world a beautiful garden”
Referral & Assessment Info
When we receive a referral from a parent/guardian, they will be sent certain forms by Cocoon Speech and Language Therapy. These include a case history form, consent form and any other relevant forms/questionnaires. These are to be completed and returned before the appointment. If there is any difficulty accessing these forms please let the therapist know. These forms will be accessed via email where a code sent to your phone number is provided to unlock them.
An informal or formal assessment will be offered based on the child’s needs and information gathered from the case history or phone consultation at the time of referral.
Onward referral
The therapist may recommend a referral to another service based on assessment findings or observations. If appropriate the therapist will send a referral to another service or professional with your consent e.g. ENT. Otherwise, if appropriate the therapist can offer contact details for the parent to refer.
During the initial phone consultation the therapist will outline the assessment required based on the information given and the needs highlighted
Homework is provided between sessions; however, this may not be in the form of worksheets. It may include play, functional activities to try with your child, observation of skills or possible parent homework e.g. taking a language sample. The homework will be relevant to the therapy at the time and what the child/family require support with.
A homework folder and notebook is provided by the therapist at the first session. Any relevant notes will be written into this by the therapist at the end of each session.
Dual Service Provision (public & private)
If your child is known to another therapist it is recommended that there is correspondence between both therapists to ensure optimum benefit to your child. Availing of private therapy sessions will not affect your entitlement/ability to access a public service. If you give consent to speak with your child’s public therapist, the private therapist will link with them to discuss relevant information e.g. goals, progress. Also some assessments are deemed invalid if re-administered within a certain time frame; therefore it is important to inform therapists if your child has attended either private or public for a recent assessment.
Communicating with educational facilities
If you give consent, the child’s preschool/school will be communicated with if required. Programmes can also be provided for educational settings to carry out.
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”
― Audrey Hepburn